Sunday, March 11, 2012


For me, studying the path of a news story was probably the most interesting.  Not just writing the essay, but the blog posts and work leading up to it was useful as well.  I found that I really learned something in doing all of this.  It engaged me and I felt compelled to read countless articles with a new perspective.  I feel that in the future, while reading articles, I will think about where they originated.  It will be interesting to think about the path that the stories went on and how they morphed.  This way of thinking will lead me to improve my own writing.  I will think about Harris's points on forwarding and countering as I write papers in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I am happy and impressed with how interesting you all found following a story to be. I was afraid just news nerds like me would be into it. It is a useful way of thinking about the news, and I'm glad you appreciated it.
